A 12-week-old puppy for your Sunday delectation. Autumn and I ran into Henry and his mom when we were out on Polk Street for dinner, and our heads exploded with cuteness.
Henry is the product of attempts to breed a miniature golden retriever, by crossing in cocker spaniels. Some breeders call them ‘comfort retrievers’, and some call them ‘miniature golden retrievers’, but whatever you call them, I’ll take three.

It was tough getting any pictures of Henry at all. I just wanted to drop the camera and give him some love.

A winning strategy: sit at a sidewalk cafe with a dog that cute, instantly make friends with everyone who walks by.

Every single person who walked by while we were there stopped to pet the puppy. And two other people stopped to take pictures.
He’s precious. Our little Chloe looks EXACTLY like him!
Ohh yes. He was, and I’m sure still is, killer cute.
how old is he?
In the pictures he was 12 weeks old. He’s now about five, though.
Is he a golden retriever cross American cocker spaniel or English spaniel?
What does he look like now at the age of 5?
I’m thinking of getting one so curious to see.
The answers in order are: 1) I have no idea, but I’d love to know, and 2) I have no idea but I’d love to know.
I bet he’s adorable, though.
Hi! I’m Henry’s mom. His breeder discovered this post and shared it recently which brought me back to it. Fun to stumble on this again. I haven’t updated it in a while, but you can see full grown pics of Henry on Instagram @henrytheminigolden. Some people also use that hashtag when they post pics of him. He’s 6 years old and 28lbs. He’s an awesome dog. Endless amounts of love & affection to give, a great hiking and beach companion, likes to travel with us, enjoys camping, VERY people friendly, great with kids and super chill in our SF apartment + full of energy when playing outside. He’s the best.
Yay! I love getting updates, especially on puppies as adorable as this one.
Where do you hang out with Henry these days? I’d love to take some more pictures of him for the blog.
Hi, My daughter wrote you recently but I’m just following up. I had to give up my dog due to issues with my toddler granddaughter. It broke my heart but he found a wonderful home. I’ve had dogs all my life so I feel lost right now. I think a mini golden would be perfect for our family and Henry is so adorable as well as having the traits we’re looking for. Would you be willing to share the name of his breeder? We live in SF.
Thank you, Nancy
Hi there! I’m sorry, I’m afraid I don’t know where Henry came from, and I haven’t seen him for ages. I wish you all the luck in the world finding a pup like him, though: he’s pretty amazing.
Hi Nancy,
I just saw this note from a while back. I got Henry from Petite Golden’s in Gig Harbor, WA. However, the breeder has retired. The mini golden is also known as a “comfort retriever” and I believe there’s a couple other breeders out there– one in Idaho and another in Kentucky. I personally have had a lot of challenges with severe anxiety and panic throughout my life and Henry has been a huge help in keeping me calm and regulated. They are super snuggly dogs with a really high EQ. If you’re looking for that, you won’t be disappointed.
My brother has a “petite” Golden, also named Henry (he goes by “Hank”). His puppy pics look *exactly* like this guy’s. Full grown, he’s 50 lbs, with adorably crimpy ears and big feet (grinch paws). Too bad I can’t post a picture!
Hah. ’50 lbs’ is hardly a ‘petite golden’! I mean okay, it’s on the small side, but plenty of full-grown golden retrievers are around there.
This Henry probably didn’t make it past half that!
Is henry a full grown pup
Henry’s all grown up now! But when those were taken, he was twelve weeks old.
Henry is all grown up at 7.5 years old now (he was only a few months old in this photo. He weighs just shy of 30lbs. You can see pics of him @Henrytheminigolden on instagram. He’s the sweetest boy!
So adorable! I hope I get to take some pictures of Henry again sometime!