As promised last week, here’s our second fluffball Bouvier, Bentley (2 years). And boy is he a lover. I was a little worried I’d lose Autumn to his charms.

Bentley was perfectly gracious and polite to me, but he just adored Autumn from the moment he set eyes on her.

We met him outside a little eatery in Emeryville, along with another dog whom you’ll be seeing shortly.
hello. I would enjoy ongoing content about this beautiful dogg…
I would too! Hopefully her family has some more pictures to link to.
Wow, this guy is adorable!! After all, fluff and a sweet face and leaning in!! Difficult for any woman to resist!
> Difficult for any woman to resist!
And after all, why would you want to? đ
Yesterday, Wednesday, I was at the noon-time Farmer’s Market and saw a man with two, count ’em, two Bouviers, one chocolate, one cream. They were darling, unfortunately their owner was a rather stand-offish person. But I snuck a couple of pats in anyway!!
Its like petting the wood oak at the apollo… only the lucky get a chance…
Only cuter and fuzzier! And maybe a little droolier.