Xavi was such a goofy dog. He spent the entire time I was there (and that was more than five minutes) alternately growling and barking at me, and licking me and trying to get me to pet him. He was clearly quite conflicted, and I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help him come to any final conclusions.

I think part of the problem may have been the fact that that right there was His Stick.

That’s actually a pretty intimidating expression right there.

Turned into a nose shot, and then a few smooches.

I absolutely love that fur coloration. Anyone know what that’s called?

He did a lot of dancing around, wanting to chase or be chased.

Bark bark bark. Ah well, we’re all a little bipolar sometimes.
We’ve just added a German Shepherd mix to our family about 3 months ago – 50% of the time, she wants to lick and be petted by my husband, 50% of the time she is terrified of him. Maybe this breed has a tendancy for being conflicted!
Or maybe your husband is SCAAAAAARY!
wooow thanks so much for showing me this, i’m from Brazil and my family have adopeted one dog(female) and we did not know the race of the parents, and I was trying to figure it out, luckly i found this and its quite impressive, my dog look exactly IDENTICAL to this.
You’re a lucky guy, German shepherd/pit bull mixes are great. I’ve run into several now and they were all sweet and fun dogs.
My boy who passed away 2 yeas ago this month looks exactly like him. In the uk he was classed as a Staffie x as pits are a banned breed over here
Could well be a Staffordshire cross… the two mixes look quite similar.