I don’t know what kind of post this is. Is it a Caturday Supplement? Is it a Dog of the Day? Is it ridiculously adorable? Why yes. Yes it is.
I ran into this pair outside AT&T park on a game day. There’s a program in San Francisco where homeless people foster animals for local shelters, and this guy had a dog and a cat that were quite well-trained and having an incredible amount of fun with one another. It’s hard to imagine that there was a better show inside the park than just outside.
(The dog is ‘Baby Buster’ and the cat is ‘Little Buster’.)

Suspiciously evenly matched, actually. Pound for pound, I really think cats are a fair bit tougher than dogs.

I really think the cat was taking it easy on the dog. I mean, the cat wasn’t even play-biting. That’s either one well-trained cat, or a complete sweetheart.