Wow. This gal is just about as mongrel as they come. (We didn’t guess at her ancestry: his guardian told me they had had her genetically tested, and ‘German shepherd/Italian greyhound/shar-pei/Yorkshire terrier’ was the result. Half German Shepherd, and various amounts of the others, I think.) And she’s one heck of an awesome dog.
[Edited to fix the gender. Mea culpa, as usual.]
One more picture, after the break.

Well, you can certainly see the German shepherd. Both in appearance and in attitude. And she's quite fast, so Italian greyhound isn't that huge a surprise.
I’m actually Uni and “he” is a “she”.. lol.. Thank you so much for featuring her!
Wow! I have a dog named Brownie. He’s a mix of Chihuahua, Dachshund, Jack Russell Terrier, and Border Collie! My other dog is Fluffy. She’s an Australian Shepherd. I also have a Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd mix named Mindy. I used to have a Bichon Frise named Coco, but we had to give her away. She bit everyone she met and we nearly got sued. When I lived in Hawaii, I had a Pit Bull named Hoku and a Jack Russell mix named Baby.
I think you might win the ‘all the dogs’ competition. š
I had a male dog and he looked like yours I was not sure of his breed thanks He came up missing when I was in L A miss him . Jeanie
I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s always tough losing a friend, and it can be even worse just having them vanish like that.