This is from the same day that Autumn and I saw the puppy social. We went to brunch at a local watering hole (Town’s End Restaurant and Bakery, which is totally awesome though it’s a bit of a pain in the butt for us to get to for brunch so we don’t go often). Out front at one of the tables we caught sight of a cat carrier, and I thought, ‘ooh, I wonder if I can get a caturday supplement if I ask nicely?’
Nope. It wasn’t a cat. It was an 11-week-old labradoodle puppy, who couldn’t come out and romp around because he hadn’t gotten all his shots yet. Fortunately his people took him out to meet us, and we made all the appropriate squealing noises, some so high-pitched that only Pickles could hear them.
Incidentally, this is not the first Pickles I’ve met. And that one was a puppy too.