A meeting of the foxiest dog I’ve seen in quite some time and the leopardiest dog I’ve seen likewise.
Edit: Aww, man, I hate when I screw up the hovertext.
Edit x2: According to Quixote’s mom (in the comments below), the Catahoula puppy is named Bingo. Amazing that he’s the first dog named Bingo I’ve ever met.

This is the closest I got to a still shot of Quixote. Both of them were on the hyper side after a day indoors, but Quixote just didn’t stop!

They were having a blast. I’m glad the owners weren’t first-time dog owners because some of the stuff they were getting up to looks quite terrifying if you don’t know how much fun they’re having.

I’m not sure if sharper images would make these funnier or not. That’s pretty hilarious the way it is.
Hey!! This is Quixote’s mom, so happy to see he made it on your blog! Bingo-the sweetest Catahoula puppy ever was Quixote’s best friend, they always played like they were about to kill one another, and when they finally tired enough they would sit next to each other hangout for a good 5 mins before round 2! Unfortunately Bingo moved away soon after the photos were taken, so I’m really happy I have these to remember him by!!
Aww, man, it’s always tough when a friend has to move away. (And it’s not exactly a rare occasion in the San Francisco housing market.)
They were an absolute blast to watch. I wish I’d had a better camera with me, so many of the pictures I took of them turned out all blurry.
My dog is a catahoula also named bingo.
Awesome! Any pictures online?