Finally, some pictures of Sally and Jailbreak playing together. These two obviously adored one another, and were having so much fun. The only downside was the fact that Sally has really super-short fur, even shorter than usual for a pit. Normally not a problem unless it’s really cold out, but when she get into really roughhousing with another dog, she doesn’t have as much protection as another dog might, so she ends up a bit scratched up. But she doesn’t mind in the slightest, or even really notice, and it’s really nothing serious (I’ve gotten worse myself while playing with dogs) so no biggie.
Oh, I forgot to mention how Jailbreak got his name. It seems that his owners were at a rescue place, looking to adopt a dog. I think it was a schnauzer-based rescue, because I vaguely recall them mentioning that they were expecting to adopt a giant schnauzer. But apparently Jailbreak decided he liked the look of them, because he broke out of his enclosure and came over to say hello. And the rest is history… and pure schnauzing satisfaction.

Doggie dancing. These two remind me of these two.

She wore him out. They’re around the same age (9 months for Jailbreak, maybe a year for Sally, I think?) but she has some extra store of energy somewhere.
Thank you SO much for coming over and spending the day. The pictures of Sally and Jailbreak are great. And yes, I want to buy a couple from you! Love your blog and check it out several time a week. Great stuff in here.
I’m glad you like it! I had a lot of fun taking the pictures, and Sally really is something special.
Honestly, you’re more than welcome to use the the digital images free of charge (for non-commercial use). If you’d like something in some other format, e.g. canvas print, cards, or something like that, then I’m sure we can work something out. Drop me a note.