Firstly, personal business: sorry for the hiatus. I was on vacation, and getting back to my hotel room exhausted at 11 PM. Admittedly, I was then failing to fall asleep until 2 AM, but those weren’t three hours where I especially felt like playing with the computer, or indeed doing anything but try to fall asleep. Despite the difficulty falling asleep (which was partially just jetlag) I feel very rested after my little break, and ready to get back to real life again. Which includes this blog. Hooray for vacations!
Secondly, site business: I realize that there are probably quite a few people waiting for their dogs to be posted here. I’m sorry, I’ve got way more of a backlog now than I did a few months ago, literally months of dogs to post. If you are impatient to see your pup up here, drop me a note in the comments of one of the other dogs (I read every single one) and let me know who your dog is and I’ll see what I can do. (At the very least, I’ll respond in the comments, so check back.)
And finally, thirdly, today’s pup. Who looks so much like a husky that you may be thinking that I’m nuts. But I am assured by Kato’s owner that she is a klee kai/shiba inu mix, and whatever she is, she isn’t a husky. How could I tell? Well… this picture doesn’t provide a terribly good idea of the scale.
For that, you’ll have to check out the additional four pictures below the fold.

Honestly, I'm not sure where the Shiba Inu is in there... this pup looks like the very model of a Klee-Kai to me.

This may look like play-posing. It's not. It was mom wanting the pup to go one way, and the pup putting her paw down. "Nuh uh! I wanna go THIS way!" And she hunkered down and wouldn't move. She was otherwise very well-behaved.
I met this pup on Polk Street this week… she’s a total sweetheart! Kudos to the owner Greg because she is only 9 months old and very well socialized.
your never looking for this dog its taylor swifts ok bye thanks
Pingback: Dog of the Day: Kato the Klee Kai/Shiba Inu Mix « The Dogs of San … | Dogs Blog
can i by this dog since im taylor swift i will give you more $ then can thank you.
I made a song for you to the wonders i was strone to lift not 1 but both of us
I dont think u r really taylor swift r u
First of all, I love your blog!
Secondly, I own this identical dog and she is a Husky/Sheba Inu mix.
Im just wondering if, perhaps, the owner was given incorrect info when they got the dog???
At any rate, they are wonderful dogs; very smart and affectionate!
I’d say yes, it’s absolutely possible. However, if you’re not familiar with klee kais, they look a LOT like smaller huskies, so I think either one is quite possible.
So cute! Do you have any pictures of your pup online? If so, please do post some links to them in the comments, I’d love to see.
Shiba mask, slight Shiba coloring, bulkier mass like a Shiba, shiba-ish muzzle
Not sure what you’re responding to, but that’s definitely at least half shiba, I’d say.