Tag Archives: Shiba Inu

Dog of the Day: Xander the Chihuahua Shiba Inu Mix

I ran into Xander (12) in Berkeley, and amused his folks no end by guessing not only his breed mix, but also the origin of his name (Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

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Dog of the Day: Bao the Shiba Inu Repeat Customer

Ran into Bao, who is now almost a year old, and he is … not much bigger than he was at five months! On the other hand, he’s still just as cute, too.

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Dog of the Day: Ninja the Shiba Inu

Is Ninja (11! no way!) really a Ninja? If so, he is a very polite one.

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Puppy of the Day: Bao the Shiba Inu

Bao — so named because he’s the same shade as the bun of the same name — is only 5 months old, do you believe it? He’s gonna be a giant shibe!

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Dog of the JUST Missed His Birthday: Captain the Corgi (And Possibly Shiba Inu) Mix

I ran across Captain yesterday, and discovered that I had missed his birthday by two days: he turned two on Saturday. Please join me in wishing him an only-slightly-belated happy birthday! Tomorrow I will show you a picture or two … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Aki the … Shiba Inu?

Gotta admit, I’m having a little trouble believing that Aki (1) is really a full Shiba. Either I have my referents all wrong or she’s HUUUUUGE!

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Double Dog Day: Shiba Inus

I went through my back catalog today, so I could post ‘BLACK LAB FRIDAY’, and I discovered two things: one, I have a LOT of unposted pictures of dogs, and two, I do not have a single picture of a … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Luna the Shiba Inu Puppy

Luna is a classic pup name, but Luna the four-month-old shiba inu gives it a whole new shine!

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Double Dog Day: Miso the Shiba Inu and Alplie the Scruffenpupper

These two are siblings — adopted, of course — and the best of friends.

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Dog of the Day: Dexter the Shiba Inu

Dexter (3) has his own instagram: @barkrangerdexter! He totally should be a San Francisco Pup Scouts leader!

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