I ran across this guy just chilling out in a parking space in Chinatown. His dad was sitting in the car right next to him and studiously ignoring me as he played with his phone. And he continued to do so even when I got near the driver’s side window and the dog decided that replacing him in the driver’s seat was the way to go.
I am almost certainly a bad person for doing this to that poor driver. But y’know what? I’d pay good money to get squooshed by a malamute, so I don’t feel TOO bad about it.
I know someone who is totally infatuated with a certain wooly malamute, so this post is dedicated to her. Even if maybe this dog isn’t quite floofy enough for her.

The first thing I thought of when I saw this was a toy that I had that was already vintage when I was a kid.

He was having a grand old time greeting every person that walked by on EITHER side of the street. No barking… just staring and grinning.
This whole sequence is hilarious. Oh, wouldn’t it be fun to have a big floofy doggy like this (except for when it tries to get in the driver’s seat…funny when the dog’s guardian is pushing the dog away as if the dog does that all the time…)!
As long as he didn’t do it while I was driving, I wouldn’t even mind. SO FLUFFY!!
I had to buy a “Despicable Me” stuffed fluffy unicorn just because of this scene – LOL!