Tag Archives: Chinatown

Dog of the Day: Blade the Doberman Pinscher

Blade (2) is a vicious, evil, terrible… hold on… I’m just getting a message that the staff at the hotel Blade and his dad are staying at have given Blade the nickname ‘Butterknife’. Apparently he came into the hotel, licked … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Ninja the Shiba Inu

Is Ninja (11! no way!) really a Ninja? If so, he is a very polite one.

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Triple Dog Day: PupPupPup!

It’s been a week, let me tell you. Yes, I did get permission for this picture. And yes it is ridiculously adorable.

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Three Dogs One (Birth)Day: Gucci, Coco, and Baby Girl

Ran into these three today, there mostly-poodles-and-a-little-Chihuahua, and I had to post them even though it’s Sunday. Why? Because it is Baby Girl’s first birthday! So let’s all go on Instagram (shirleybaby2) and wish her a happy birthday!

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Dog of the Day: Neo the Belgian Malinois Siberiran Husky Mix

Neo (1) is pretty striking, isn’t he?

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Caturday Supplement: Chinatown Kitty

You don’t see too many store dogs or cats in San Francisco’s Chinatown… it’s just not really part of the culture, I guess. But now I’ve seen one!

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Dog of the Day: Jackie the Alaskan Malamute

Jackie is 5, and she has so damn much fluff that I could hardly find her under there to pet her!

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Dog of the Day: Seva the (Much Friendlier) Repeat Customer Korean Jindo

I first ran into Seva seven (OMG has it been that long?) years ago now, when she was “relatively calm as long as strangers stay at least ten feet away from her”, as her mom said. Well, now she’s ten … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Siberian Husky

I ran into this pup outside of a local coffee shop that I’ve never been in before, in line for a latte!

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Dog of the Day: Rufus the Wire-Haired Dachshund Mix

Roof-roof-Rufus (2) is friends with Hector, or at least they were chilling out together when I ran across them.

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