I ran into two other dogs on my trip back from Indiana to San Francisco. This one, a very happy and friendly Cavalier King Charles spaniel, I ran into at the San Francisco airport. Her mom was busy at a food counter, but several people snuck in brief greetings on the way by.
The other dog was a ridiculously adorable 7-month-old puppy named Ava Grace that I ran into in the airport in Chicago. I was walking down one of the terminal corridors, and I was about 2 hours early for my flight so I was dawdling. I saw a couple carrying around this adorable happy puppy and I said, “Excuse me, hello, I’m a licensed dog blogger, and I’m afraid I’m going to have to take some pictures of your dog.” I got a couple weird looks, but I’m used to that. But when I gave them my card, they said, “Oh, wow, she’s from San Francisco! We’re headed back there right now!” And yes, this dog was on my flight.
And I took over 50 pictures and not a single one of them came out, because the dog was wiggly and the light was dim. DAMMIT!
Nawhh <3