Well, it’s the talk of the town. I went and checked it out on opening day, more because it was only four blocks out of my way than because I really needed to go… after all, I jog past that corner three days a week or so. (I take various routes.)
What do I think? Well, it’s… fine. It’s nice, I guess. I don’t know, I must be getting old, I kind of like the kinds of stores where there are lots of little nooks and crannies and places you can hide from the ever-so-helpful salespeople if you want to.
You know what I did like? The little courtyard in back. Complete with tables and chairs and 24/7 free internet access and a huge vertical garden. And the old fountain that Apple was going to tear out until a bunch of us complained and they changed their plan. They’re going to have concerts there too.
Oh, also, I must admit, I also like the expanded genius bar. Despite being a software engineer and having worked at Apple, I still use it sometimes, and it’ll be nice to have less of a wait.