Dog of the Day: Baldr the Blue-tee-ful!

I met Baldr the Blue (Australian cattle dog with a tail!) when I was visiting a friend’s office. Baldr did not want me to talk to my friend. Baldr did not want me to go to the bathroom. Baldr did not want me to pay attention to anything but Baldr, because Baldr has an uncanny sense for who can, in fact, be suckered into paying attention to Baldr.

Blue Merle Australian Cattle Dog With A Tail

Baldr was, of course, named after the Norse god. Who was ALSO amazingly beautiful.

Blue Merle Australian Cattle Dog With A Tail

He got a little noisy. I think I may have disturbed his coworkers. (He is, of course, a Chief Happiness Officer.)

Blue Merle Australian Cattle Dog With A Tail

Baldr’s favorite toy.

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5 Responses to Dog of the Day: Baldr the Blue-tee-ful!

  1. baldr the blue says:

    I’m famous, you posted about me! These are beautiful photos (who are we kidding, I never take a bad photo) … can my humom mention on my Instagram that you took them and I’m on your webpage?

  2. Liz says:

    I know this sounds so cliche, but my grand-dog is THE most intelligent, THE most handsome beast in all of California. In fact, the greatest pet (bar none except, perhaps, his cousin in The South) that ever lived. ♥️ Apologies to the rest of y’all!

    • Adam Lang says:

      I am afraid I am not able to show too much favoritism, or my blogging license would be revoked. But I will agree that Baldr is a rather grand grand-dog, and a beastie that I would very much like to play with a lot! 😀

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