Dog of the Day: (Dr.) Quinn the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chihuahua Mix Puppy

Quinn, named after the inestimable Dr. Quinn, was sitting in the passenger seat of a rather old SUV/Land-Rover-y thing that was broken down about a block from my apartment when I was driving home a couple of days ago. I of course had to pop down the block after I parked to make sure that everything was all right and her mom didn’t need any help with her vehicle. It had absolutely nothing to do with the adorable little pup in the car with her. I mean obviously.

I took far too many adorable pictures for captions and hovertext today, so I’ll just let Quinn speak for herself, viz.:

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6 Responses to Dog of the Day: (Dr.) Quinn the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chihuahua Mix Puppy

  1. College says:

    That’s my girl! Was nice chatting with you! Sorry Quinn doesn’t hold still well for photo shoots hahaha

    • Adam Lang says:

      I think some of those came out ADORABLE! Especially the fourth one, where she appears to be dancing to some incredibly catchy music. 🙂

  2. Kat Downey says:

    I think Quinn may actually be speaking in the near future. She has far too many human expressions for a four-legged being.
    Quinn’s Grandma

  3. Lucinda Shurelds says:

    I think Quinn is adorable. and I would love to adopt her. I can’t decide between chihuahuas and cavaliers so she is perfect for me. Is she available. I REALLY a want hers

    • Adam Lang says:

      Sorry, I’m afraid we’re not an adoption site, we’re just a ‘pictures of cute dogs’ site. Sometimes I do post adoptable dogs, and there’s one coming up pretty soon, maybe even tomorrow!

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