No idea what Ryker is named after. I should have asked. But I do know that he’s sixteen whole years old! He is a little bit stiff — and boy, do I know that feeling, given my shoulder bursitis — but he still gets around okay. (Also seems to have better eyesight than I do. Bah.)
His dad told me he was a ‘black and tan’ and I may have been a little hasty in filling in ‘coonhound’, but that’s what it says in my notes. Looking at him, though, he looks a lot closer to a Black And Tan Virginia foxhound, one who originally had no white in his coat but who has, like me, lightened up a bit with age. I don’t know for sure, but that’s what I’m going to go with. And if he is a Black and Tan Virginia foxhound, he’s the first we’ve had on this blog, ever! Go, Ryker, go!