Dog of the Day: Pepper My Old Friend

So, funny story: last Saturday, I ran into a wire-haired fox terrier. Hadn’t seen one in ages! Super nice pup. And then, two hours later, I ran into… another wire-haired fox terrier! This one I knew from a while back. And then, on Sunday, I ran into… Pepper, an old friend and dog-sitting client of both Autumn’s and mine! I dunno, sometimes breeds do come in clusters, but usually not quite this cluster-y!

Anyway, I’m going to post all three of them right in a row, ending with a birthday dog!

Grinning Wire Fix Terrier
Pepper spotted me right away and got SO EXCITED. She’s twelve, and still a puppy.
Wire Fox Terrier
She is just such a happy dog. A bit of a goofball, too.
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