To make up for the late post, here is an 8-week-old puppy that deserves all of the superlatives that I can muster. SO CUTE!
(I know the site’s been having some odd issues today. Not sure what to make of it… some places seem to have no problem, but both from home and from work it seems to take forever for me to connect. Anyone else having issues?)

The kind of face that makes you want to pick her up and hug her and tell her everything's going to be okay.
SOOOO Cute! wow
Thanks for the nice post about Lucy. Two weeks later she is already a bit bigger but still as cute. She is becoming more accustomed to the sights and sounds of urban SF.
Hi John Pierre,
Lucy is a beautiful dog! My family is looking for a “Lucy” we can provide a home for. May I ask where you found Lucy?
It is two years later now – it would be great to see more pictures of Lucy grown up!
Lucy is just the cutest!
Golden Gate Lab Rescue
Oso, Lola, Polar Bear, Rilla, Thelma, Buffy & Xena, Scout, and Scooter are all looking for homes.
Aww! I’ll post about GGLR sometime.
Hi there!
We are looking for a ‘Lucy’ and we don’t want to pay, did you get Lucy for free and if so where?
Unfortunately, I don’t know anywhere that is doing fee-free adoptions of young dogs right at the moment. There are a couple of resources that provide financial assistance for adopting a senior dog, or one that requires medical treatment, but if you’re looking for a puppy, the only time I know of where there are fee-free adoptions are during Maddie’s Pet Adoption Days and they’re in June.
Sorry about that.