These two were chilling out in front of the Crossroads Café, begging for skritches. (Someday I’ll be able to remember the difference between French bulldogs and Boston terriers. Until then, there’s Google image search.)

There are a few places to tie up dogs outside this cafe. They were tied up at the the 'we get to lick everyone going in or out' location.

Those two have never met the dogs before. They just walked up and said 'Oh god look at those cute little dogs!' Kindred spirits.
(Sorry boys, I don’t think your affection-hunting technique would work for me.)
they’re frenchies and they’re beautiful….and that freindly, “i love you” behaviour, is their charm….great breed!
Absolutely. Them, pugs, and Boston terriers. They all have a goofy look to them, and they all just love everybody all the time. I would give a lot to have that kind of attitude myself, some days.