An Irish breed, for St. Patrick’s Day! This is another of Autumn’s dog-walking charges. She also might be our first Glen of Imaal… I’m not 100% sure whether Sophie was really one, although she sure had a similar attitude.
(Edit: Geez, I forgot to put in her name when I posted this!)

Gorgeous eyes, no? (The ears aren't normally up like that, as you'll see.)

Apparently she doesn't usually like walking in the rain, but this expedition was a distinct exception. Muddy puppy!

She's shaped just about like a corgi, maybe even a little stockier.

See the black patch on her side. For some reason, vets can't figure it out, she just has no fur there. Apparently it's not mites.

Greeting a gorgeous blue merle great dane.

She really does seem to like flumping down in the mud puddles.

By the time she got home, what with the mud and the rain, she looked a bit... bedraggled.

Fortunately, she LOVES showers. she spends all the time viciously attacking the spray of water.

It's hilariously goofy. And adorable. Just like the rest of her.
Looking at Sophie-she’s a Glen! The black marks on her side are due to hormonal alopecia.
Sorry, I think I was a little unclear: the dog posted above isn’t Sophie, this is Sophie:
The second to last picture, fangs bared in the blast of water, had me laughing out loud.
Some of the rejected pictures are just as funny, too, if blurrier. She’s such a goofy dog.
Reminds me of this:
Looks like a Glen to me. She looks very young and most probably an American bred dog due to the docked tail. There were several litters bred last year, might be hard to track down the breeder. I agree with Liz, the patch on her side is seasonal flank alopecia. A pup from my last litter had this condition at the end of winter last year. Her people had her inside in a crate during the day in a northern climate while they were at work, so she lacked sunlight. The CA Vet would probably never see such a condition. We corrected the problem by leaving the pup out of the crate and allowing her some daylight. No problems this year.
Thanks, I had never heard of that condition before. Now that Autumn is walking her regularly, she’s getting a fair bit more sun, so maybe it’ll just go away.
I wonder if vitamin D supplements would help, in situations where walking the dog during daylight hours wasn’t an option.
I can definitely see the resemblance between this dog and my Otis (Basset/Wolfhound) but she looks so small. Otis is a good 70 lbs. Weighs more than my pittie weighed! 🙂 Definitely weighs more than his “brother” who is a good six inches taller.
But the Glen’s eyes are similar and the expressions….
I’d do a DNA test if they were more reliable.
Glens are actually medium-sized dogs, with 40 pounds not unusual. (Whiskey s around 30 pounds.) And they’re ‘long’ dogs, too, with the short legs like the basset (although maybe not as pronounced.) I would definitely say Otis isn’t a pure Glen of Imaal terrier, but I wouldn’t rule out him being a mix.
Anyway, he’s a cutie. Hopefully I’ll run into him at some point, and get to take some pictures!
Pingback: Dog of the Day: Stanley the Glen of Imaal Terrier | The Dogs of San Francisco
Very much a Glen of Imaal. I have one, a female, who should have been named, “Pigpen” after the Charlie Brown character. They do live life full-out and with such raucus abandon that one cannot help but laugh with them. She never fails to elicit smiles and laughter from other dog owners at a local dog park here in San Diego. I’ve never seen another Glen here. Indeed, I think there are only 600+ or so in the States.
Haha, Pigpen indeed. Traipsing after Whiskey was an education… if I were walking her through the desert I would still expect her to find some mud to roll in.
I’ve actually seen another Glen in San Francisco, but I didn’t get any pictures of him… it was too dark, and he was moving WAAAAY too fast. 🙂