No caturday supplement today. I am getting pretty low on cat pictures, but that’s not why: I promised that I’d post pictures of Max ASAP, because he’s down at SF Animal Care and Control looking for a home, and he’s so totally awesome that I wanted to give my readers a chance at him before he gets snatched up! (He’s a very new arrival, hasn’t even been posted on the web site yet, it looks like.)
Max is a 7-year-old super-mellow super-healthy husky. He’s definitely got the goofy/mischievous husky attitude, but in moderation, and he’s not aggressive about it. On the other hand, he got an extra dose of ‘sweet’, and just loves people, even people who poke cameras into his face for no reason. I was the recipient of multiple smooches while visiting with Max.

I mistook Max for a malamute, because he’s pretty big, but apparently only huskies can have blue eyes (normally). Maybe he just seemed big next to the petite volunteer who was walking him!

Someone socialized the heck outta this pup when he was little. Loves people, and is even polite about it.
OMG! the cutest thing ever!