Still haven’t finalized my solution to this blog mess. As soon as I do, I have all the photos edited for my yappy hour roundup. But in the meantime, here are some other non-dog-related pictures I took down at the Half Moon Bay Ritz.
Note! The photography contest is now officially closed to entries! (Although if you’re really nice to me I might let you sneak in something under the wire. But hurry, dammit!) Over the next two weeks or so I’ll be setting up a voting system where people can vote on the top few pictures in each category. Keep an eye out, and please do vote when you see them.

I thought this one was a brown pelican, although I note that most of the pictures of brown pelicans on Google seem to have white heads…
It’s a baby brown pelican! They only get their white heads when they grow up.
Ah! That explains it, thanks!