Ollie was about four and a half when I ran into him this summer. And boy, does he look like a handful! But… a happy handful, which is the best kind.

Funny, Pomeranian/poodle isn’t a mix I run into very often, even though I run into both breeds quite a lot.
Hi. My name is Christopher. Funny story, we have a dog that looks just like him. His name is Tippy and was a rescue dog. Until now, we had no idea what breed he is. A friend gave him to us and we are really surprised to see a picture of your dog that looks exactly like Tippy.
Could be he’s a Pomeranian/poodle, then, although there are a few other mixes that can produce something that looks like Ollie (including schnauzers, Scotties, and even occasionally Westies.)
Hello. My dog is 8 (9 in March) and his name is Bowzer. He is also a black Pomeranian poodle mix. I love Bowzer so much. He is my pride and joy and has helped me through some very hard times. Ollie is so cute. I just wanted to tell you to have a good day. Tell Ollie I said hi! Thanks. Bye! <3
I’ll do that! And you pet Bowser for me, would ya?
So, I got my dog Ollie, the Pomeranian poodle mix when I thought he was 2, my mom is saying 4, however, this dog looks EXACTLY like my dog Ollie and it’s blowing my mind! I think my dog is famous?! This has GOT to be my dog!
Well, I took this picture in San Francisco, and the owner said that Ollie was a rescue and that the age was a guess (because Ollie was a rescue). When did you get your dog, and where?
Well, I believe my mom got him off Craig’s list, she said the previous owner didn’t have him for long because he didn’t get along with their cat. I’m unsure where they lived, but we got him in Missouri. Which definitely makes this seem impossible unless Ollie took a little trip. However, if it’s not him, my dog has an exact twin out there in the world! Either way it’s awesome!