I’ve got a few posts queued up for you guys of dogs I’ve run into before, and seen again lately (starting with Sunday’s dingo mix). This time it’s the eternally awesomely goofy Baylor the field spaniel, along with a new friend, who is a member of a relatively recently-introduced breed, the ‘silken windhound’. That sounds a little cheesy to me, but Lyra certainly is a gorgeous dog.

Man, that fur is really amazing. I guess silken windhounds are borzoi plus border collie plus some other breeds. Only quite recently recognized by any kennel clubs, and not by the AKC yet.
Was Lyra as soft to pet as she looks? (I’m assuming Lyra is a name for a female dog.) She is quite a gorgeous lady and looks very soft.
Super-soft and silky. She was indeed female, and quite dignified, too.