Category Archives: Caturday Supplement

Caturday Supplement: Mochi the British Shorthair

Ran into this kitty when I was off flying across the country over Christmas. I am going to say that she wasn’t entirely pleased to be on a trip, but she was surprisingly mellow for all that.

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Caturday Supplement: Looooong Cat

Another SF Cat Show 2022 picture. A lot of these came out poorly, due to the ‘no flash photography’ and ‘crappy indoor lighting’ conditions, but I like this one.

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Caturday Supplement: Floofy-White

A cat from the SF Cat Show. She was very, very friendly.

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Caturday Supplement: The Cat’s (Stripey) Pajamas!

Another kitty from the SF cat show. So pretty!

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Caturday Supplement: Macy’s Window Kittens

It’s so nice to be able to post some more Macy’s window kitties! I don’t know how I lived without them for two whole years.

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Caturday Supplement: San Francisco Cat Show Kitty

I have no idea what this coloration and/or breed is called. Can anyone help me out?

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Caturday Supplement: Chinatown Kitty

You don’t see too many store dogs or cats in San Francisco’s Chinatown… it’s just not really part of the culture, I guess. But now I’ve seen one!

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Caturday Supplement: Marmie

I went to the San Francisco Cat Show a month and a bit ago, and took some pictures with my spiffy camera. I just went looking through them, to find a black cat for BLACK CATURDAY, and discovered that there … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Lily the Polk & Greene Produce Market Store Cat

Lily is the store cat of a deli on Polk Street. She’s usually not out to greet customers, but sometimes she feels the need to supervise.

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National Caturday SPOOKY Supplement

I saw this kitty in a window a few days ago. Not actually a black cat, but seems spooky enough for me for Halloween, and today (the 29th) is National Cat Day in the US. So this is a National … Continue reading

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