Tag Archives: SPCA

Dog of the Day: SF SPCA Mutt

I dropped by the SPCA not too long ago and found this gal hanging out. I’m going to guess Australian cattle dog/pit mix, but you can’t hold me to it.

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Caturday Supplement: SPCatA!

A kitty from the Society for Petting the Cats of America.

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Dog of the Day: White Shepherd Mix

Another SPCA dog. This one was tucked in a corner with a sign that said ‘Please don’t look straight at me, I’m shy!’ I am not sure ‘shy’ is exactly the right word. (They also claimed that he barked a … Continue reading

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Double Dog Day: Boston Terrier Mix Puppies

Ran into these two at the SPCA. I bet they weren’t there for very long at all, though. Edit: What was I thinking? Boston terrier, not French bulldog!

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Caturday-On-Bunday Supplement

I was bad again, and didn’t post any kitties yesterday, so here’s one today.

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Caturday Supplement: Marmie Lady

An SPCAt for your Caturday fun.

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Caturday Supplement: Busy With Important Things

Sometimes I wish I were a cat. They never seem to have any trouble getting to sleep, and they certainly don’t seem to sweat the small details.

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Caturday Supplement: Coplas!

La noche que me casa No pude dormirme un rato Por estar toda la noche Corriendo detra de un gato. Me dijiste que fue un gato El que entro por tu balcon Yo no he visto gato prieto Con sombrero … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Raar

This is actually a yawn, but I prefer to think of it as a vicious murder cat snarl, because I am feeling a little vicious-murder-catty myself today.

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Dog of the Day: White Shepherd Lab Mix

Just a guess. I saw her at the SPCA, but don’t have any particular insights into her breed. I just know she’s a cutie.

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