Monthly Archives: June 2020

Dog of the Day: Logan the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

I met Logan at Washington Square Park, where he was taking a very keen interest in everyone and everything. I wonder if he was named after Wolverine of the X-Men (‘dogereen’?), or maybe Logan’s Run (Logan’s waddle?)

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Dog of the Day: English Setter

Someone wasn’t doing a lot of setting.

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Dog of the Day: Stevie the Golden Retriever Puppy

Stevie (girl, 3 months old) is my new best friend.  

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Dog of the Day: Shayna the Hovawart

I ran into Shayna  (6) a few years back, but all my pictures of her were too blurry to use. And then I ran into her again, at the dog wash, but all I got was one schnozz shot. Fortunately, … Continue reading

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Sunday Snack-y Switchup: Mara’s Italian Pastries

Mara’s is one of the ubiquitous bakeries/dessert places in North Beach. There are quite a few of them. I’ve tried a couple, and have pretty much universally been disappointed. But I hadn’t tried Mara’s yet. I was walking by, out … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Momo the Chihuahua Dachshund Mix

Momo (12) was pretty tired when I ran into her, but she was still keen on saying hello.

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Dog of the Day: Luffy the Shiba Inu Puppy

When I ran into Luffy (short for Woofyluffy, pronounced ‘Loofy’) he was 20 weeks old. Please to spend some time squealing in delight. No captions, no hovertext, just ridiculous cutiosity.

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Dog of the Day: Blanca the Border Collie Mix

This is the second Blanca I’ve met. When I ran into her, she was fifteen years old, and as sweet as sweet could be.

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Dog of the Day: Chance the Siberian Husky Mix

Meet Chance, one year old, husky mixed with who knows what. He’s such a good boy. Even when he’s a very naughty boy.

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Dog of the Day: Mjolnir the Pomeranian

Well, Mjolnir is a new dog name on me, but here he is, 7 years old, and with sensitive little feets!

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