Tag Archives: Boston Terrier

Dog of the Day: Boston Terrier Puppy with Bonus Terrier Mix

Another playful puppy for today, only this one is a lot littler and even less dignified-looking.

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Double Dog Day: Two Boston Terriers

This is a Tale of Two Terrors… er, I mean, terriers. One of them is named ‘Coco’, or possibly ‘Cocoa’. But I don’t know which one.

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Dog of the Day: Boston Terrier

This guy had just been left out in the rain. He didn’t actually try to bite me, but he wanted to make it clear to everyone nearby, including me, that he was not happy about this situation. Two more pictures … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Molly the Boston Terrier

A Boston terrier with a whole lot of personality. The more exposure I get to the ‘derp-derp’ triumvirate (Boston terriers, pugs, and French bulldogs) the more I like them. Three more pictures after the break.

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Dog of the Day: Boston Terrier

Another – how shall I put this? – goofy-looking guy. The woman walking him was so proud of him, I didn’t want to laugh. Or make jokes. It would have been so mean. Another two goofy pictures, after the break.

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Dog of the Day: Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers: the original “make sure you always look both ways” dogs. Continue reading

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