Tag Archives: Polk Street

Dog of the Day: Bernadoodle Maybe?

Man, this guy’s a tough one! He sure does have his calisthenics down pat, though, doesn’t he?

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Dog of the Day: Mishka the Maybe Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix Puppy

I don’t have any notes for Mishka, but his name is on his tags, and I think he might be a cockapoo.

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Caturday Supplement: Chester and Fitzmagic the Bengal Kitties

Chester and Fitzie are brothers, and they’re both 11 months old, so still technically kittens. And yet somehow they are totally calm and cheerful and okay with hanging out outside and saying hi to folks. I hear there’s some leash … Continue reading

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Dog of the Almost Birthday: Nookie the Mini American Eskimo Dog

I ran into Nookie, pronounced New-Key, yesterday, when he turned 2 years old. And then I didn’t get home until 11 PM (went to a great concert in Berkeley!). So Nookie gets TWO birthday celebrations, one yesterday, at home, and … Continue reading

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Double Dog Day: Facci the Siberian Husky and Naia the Labrador Retriever German Shepherd Mix BIRTHDAY DOG!

Dammit. I took a picture of the black pup in this picture on Tuesday and it was her birthday and I forgot to post it! Well, happy belated ELEVENTH birthday, Naia! I would have pegged you at two or three, … Continue reading

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Puppy of the Day: Ellie the Golden Retriever

Ellie is 9 months old, and will steal your heart, but very gently. Her mom says that she is a perfect angel who doesn’t even jump up on people, so I don’t know what she is but I’m pretty sure … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Fiona the Great Pyrenees

I just met Fiona (5) yesterday. Apparently she is famous, not only having an Instagram page (titled, unsurprisingly, fiona_the_great_pyrenees) but having been interviewed by The Dodo, for her ability to make friends with the local gopher population. I both adore … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Cyrus the Samoyed Puppy

I thought they were saying ‘Sirius’ (like ‘the dog star’) but they were actually saying Cyrus. Either way, he’s an adorable 15-week-old Samoyed with a great attitude.

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Dog of the Day: Squid (aka Squiddles!) the English Bulldog Puppy

Squid is a pretty great name, but Squiddles may be in my top ten of all time for a happy five-month-old pup like this one here.

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Puppy of the Day: Ralph the Terrier

Ralph is four months old, and he goes around terrierizing everyone in sight. Right in the ankles. Go Ralph go!

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