Tag Archives: Sacramento

Double Dog Day: Zoey and Filbert the Boxers

I’m dogsitting in Sacramento! I was a little ambivalent about it at first because I remembered these two as being… quite a handful, when I sat for them a few years ago. But I am happy to report that although … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Filbert the Boxer

This is Zoey’s older brother Filbert. He is less neurotic but just as sweet.

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Dog of the Day: Zoey the Boxer Again

I know I just posted Zoey last Friday, but I am totally feeling this picture. I was supposed to have a nerve-wracking surgery today, I lost sleep over it for like four days, and then it turned out they screwed … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Zoey the Boxer

I dogsat for two boxers, Zoey and Filbert, a couple weeks ago. This is Zoey, and she is such a (hyperactive, neurotic) sweetheart.

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