Tag Archives: Tiger Tabby

Caturday Supplement: Pinot the Winery Assistant

Autumn ran across Pinot at the Hillcrest Vineyards, down near Santa Cruz, where she is the Chief Rodent Control Officer.

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Caturday Supplement: Nameless Kitteh

I was at a farmer’s market today, and I saw a big sign that said ‘KITTEN: FREE TO A GOOD HOME’. Alas, I do not have a good home, clearly, since no home where you’re not allowed to have a … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Looooong Cat

Another SF Cat Show 2022 picture. A lot of these came out poorly, due to the ‘no flash photography’ and ‘crappy indoor lighting’ conditions, but I like this one.

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Caturday Supplement: Chinatown Kitty

You don’t see too many store dogs or cats in San Francisco’s Chinatown… it’s just not really part of the culture, I guess. But now I’ve seen one!

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Caturday Supplement: Num (‘Noom’) the Bhutanese Kitty

I just ran into Num (5-ish) today, when she and her friend were wandering around Pacific Heights. It turns out the woman with Num was just cat-sitting for a while. Num is used to going out for walks every day, … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Sebastian the ADVENTURE CAT!

Sebastian is three months old, and already out exploring the streets of San Francisco with his pop! And he LOVES it! He was like ‘oh hi please come over here and pet me now okay?’ and I, not being made … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: EE the Kit

EE is Amauro’s pal. Look at those eyes!

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Caturday Supplement: Bow Wow Meow Store Kitty

I’ve posted some pictures of this kitty before, but I just saw her again a couple of weeks ago, and she was being adorable. so here you are.

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Caturday Supplement: Fica The Traveller

Fica (a boy, a nickname for ‘Phillip’) is a visitor from overseas. He’s quite adventurous, for a kitty, and seems to be carefully keeping track of everything going on outside his little chauffeured vehicle.

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Caturday Supplement: Lazy Floofball

Autumn runs across a lot of cats on her dog-walks. Or at least she did, until all her business dried up because nobody’s leaving home these days. All her music business dried up at the same time. This is a … Continue reading

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