Dog of the Day: Moshi the Impossible-To-Photograph Siberian Husky Mix Puppy

Today, instead of my normal ‘post a picture or two with captions and hovertext’, I would like to give you an idea of how hard (and how much fun!) it sometimes is to get pictures of these dogs. Dogs like Moshi, the 5-month-old puppy with enough energy to power about two thirds of the state.

The first couple look pretty reasonable, but it didn’t take long for her to become a hypervelocity projectile.

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Dog of the Day: Mia the American Pit Bull Terrier Mix


Tan American Pit Bull Terrier Mix With Ridiculous Ears
She also has the most gorgeous, soulful eyes, doesn’t she?

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Dog of the Day: Bandit the Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle Mix

Bandit is a Bernadoodle, a fuzzly little Bernadoodle! Six months old and one hell of a lover.

Fluffy Bernadoodle Puppy Grinning
I can’t help but hear either Fozzie Bear or Ralph the Dog when I see this pup.
Fluffy Bernadoodle Puppy Grinning
Not a single picture of Bandit has eyes. It’s amazing.
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Dog of the Day: Thailand the Labrador Retriever

Thailand is three, and is a professional mom! That is to say, she carries litters for Guide Dogs for the Blind up in San Rafael. I do not have her pups’ stats available but if she’s anything to judge by, they’re probably super-awesome guide dogs!

Yellow Labrador Retriever Looking Sad
No idea what 594Z means.
Yellow Labrador Retriever Looking Exasperated
Very expressive face on this pup.
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Dog of the Day: Odin the Pomeranian

I’m not sure ‘Odin’ quite captures this three-year-old’s super-happy personality, but hey, a cute-dog-nose by any other name smells just as well, right?

White Pomeranian Grinning And Tilting His Head
Even if you couldn’t tell the breed from the size and shape, that right there is a patented Pomeranian expression.
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Dog of the Day: Tunnel the Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix

Got my pictures of Tunnel (2, male) after it’d gotten quite dim outside, so most of them were blurry, but I still wanted to show him off because you don’t see a whole lot of ridgeback mixes even around here.

Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix Posing In Front Of Ad For Cannabis Gummies
I also love showing off by walking up to people and saying ‘Hey is that a ridgeback mix?’ and being right. Never thought I’d end up an expert dog-breed-identifier, but here we are!
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Dog of the Day: Princess Leia the Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever Puppy

A toller, a toller! And she’s pretty big for a five-month-old. She’s already a handful, as you can see on her so-far-sparse but still ridiculously adorable instagram. Pretty soon she’s going to be two handfuls. Handsful? Something like that.

Five-Month-Old Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever Sitting In Wood Structure
Five months old and she still has plenty of puppy fro left.
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Dog of the Day: Shasta the Australian Shepherd Labrador Retriever German Shepherd Mix!

That’s a whole lot of words! And Shasta (2, girl) is a whole lotta dog.

Australian Shepherd German Shepherd Labrador Retriever Mix Grinning Widely
If you look closely you can see a little tiny line of pink on her nose.
Australian Shepherd German Shepherd Labrador Retriever Mix Grinning Wildly
Shasta is murder to get a picture of. She does not see why you are not interested in being smooched constantly.
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Dog of the Day: Mr. Carson the Norwich Terrier

I just met Mr. Carson, who is a 5 year old perfect gentleman, with a very abbreviated Instagram account displaying the trophies he has won. His owner wasn’t particularly looking for a show dog, but he did want a Norwich, and he was able to jump to the head of the queue (pre-COVID) by agreeing to show Mr. Carson. And thus was born a champion!

You all should go check out Mr. Carson’s instagram and encourage him and his folks to post more pictures.

Happy Norwich Terrier On A Bench
Great big grin. Someone was very happy to be out in the park.
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Dog of the Day: Shawayze the American Pit Bull Terrier Mix

I have Shawayse (11, male) down as an unknown mix, but his mom is pretty sure there’s some pit in there, and I have to say I agree.

Pit Mix Standing In Front Of Flower Mural And Grinning
I love the background, too. This is the wall of my local grocery store.
American Pit Bull Terrier Mix Close-Up
If you zoom in really close you can actually see his mom and me reflected in his eye.
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