Dog of the Day: Wrigley the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Wrigley is such a great name for a happy dog, isn’t it? And Wrigley (2, girl) is exactly that.

Red Pembroke Welsh Corgi Looking Expectant
Someone has Wrigley’s full attention.
Red Pembroke Welsh Corgi Shaking Hands
Ah, that explains it.
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Dog of the Day: Midgie the Chihuahua Terrier Mix

Midgie (a girl, and one year old) is a little cutie. I’m not sure what she is named after: the only ‘midgie’ I knew of before I did a little googling was a nasty, tiny, blood-sucking insect from Scotland, and I trust that nobody is mean enough to name their dog after those monsters. Google says that ‘Midgie’ is the name of a dog from the series of books called ‘The Baby-Sitters Club’, so I am choosing to believe that she was named for that.

Man Holding Very Small Black And Tan Chihuahua Mix
Midgie is a very curious pup, and doesn’t have the shakiness that so many of the smaller Chihuahuas do.
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Dog of the Day: Raven the EARS OMG THE EARS

Raven (a girl, of unknown age) was found in Southern California, wandering around looking lost. When her current owner adopted her, the rescue said that Raven was a Mexican hairless, also known as a Xoloitzcuintli. And she looked exactly like one… except then she grew fur! Very short and soft and velvety fur, but fur nevertheless. So who knows?

Mexican Hairless Dog With Very Short Fur And Ridiculous Ears
Is it just me or do those ears look almost exactly like bat wings?
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Dog of the Day: Hachi the Husky

Hachi is 8, and has had quite a life: he was born in a puppy mill, who then abandoned him along with the rest of the litter at an animal hospital when they cane down with parvo. Hachi was the only survivor, but he seems to be doing great now.

Sable Siberian Husky Looking Plaintively Upward
Hachi is healthy as a horse now, fortunately.
Sable Siberian Husky Looking Disgruntled
Hachi also has an impressive amount of SNOOT.
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Dog of the Day: Maeby the German Shepherd Labrador Retriever Mix

I’m not 100% sure that this is the pup that goes with the notes I took, so: is this really Maeby (2 years old)? Perhaps! Is Maeby really a German Shepherd Lab mix? Possibly! Is Maeby actually a Rottie mix of some kind instead? …okay, okay, maybe!

Black And Tan German Shepherd Labrador Retriever Mix, Possibly, Grinning
Whatever she is, she sure has cute eyebrows.
Black And Tan German Shepherd Labrador Retriever Mix, Possibly, Grinning
Could be some pit in there, if not Rottie, with that square jaw.
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Dog of the Day: Sassy the Australian Cattle Dog Mix

Sassy (2) is pretty striking, isn’t she?

Australian Cattle Dog Mix With Striking Blue Eyes
I bet straying cattle take one look at those eyes and just stagger right back into the herd.
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Dog of the Day: Ruggles the Portuguese Water Dog

I don’t know where Ruggles’ (13 years old) name comes from (“Ruggles of Red Gap” maybe?) but I do know that he’s as shaggy as a 1970s rug and causes giggles when he licks you, so maybe his real name is ‘Rug-giggles’.

Black Portuguese Water Dog With White Marks And A White Goatee
The goatee is amazing. Also, Ruggles doesn’t look anywhere NEAR 13, does he?
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Dog of the Day: White Shepherd

I don’t know this pup’s name, but I’m definitely a fan.

White Shepherd Sprawled On The Ground
God I love the eyebrow lift.
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Dog of the Day: Tilly the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Tilly, Tilly, she’s a silly! She’s also eight, but she sure doesn’t look it.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Holding Her Nose Up In The Air
She has an awesome schnozz, doesn’t she?
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Staring Soulfully Into The Camera
She really does look like she’s two or three, doesn’t she?
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Dog of the Day: Alfie the Mini Dachshund

Alfie is one, even if he does look like a puppy. Or, at least, he does until you go and look at his instagram, @alfie.thedappledoxie, where you can see his real puppy pictures. Warning: they are dangerously adorable.

Long-Haired Dapple Tricolor Miniature Dachshund
I know he’s a mini, but man, he’s SUPER tiny!
Long-Haired Dapple Tricolor Miniature Dachshund Licking His Chops
Seriously though, go check out Alfie’s instagram. You won’t regret it unless your neighbors hear the squealing and call the police.
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