Caturday Supplement: Lola the Ridiculous

This is a friend of Autumn’s in New York.

Very Sad Looking White Cat With Folded Ears
I’m not sure I’d be able to leave the house with this cat going un-petted.
Cat Face With Huge Sad Eyes
Yeah I think that might be the saddest cat-face I’ve ever seen.
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Dog of the Day: Dexter the Believe It Or Not Bernadoodle Puppy

Dexter is six months old! Dexter is also eight months old! How is this possible? Well, it just so happens that I took some pictures of Dexter last December, and somehow they got imported into my photos app on my computer but did not get imported into the ‘imports’ folder, and so I had no idea they even existed. (In fact, it just took me over fifteen minutes to find them even knowing to look for them so there’s that.) And then I ran into Dexter again and his mom told me that I hadn’t posted him, and that Dexter was very disappointed.

Dexter is also CLEARLY a Bernese mountain dog, who is also a bernadoodle genetically but he looks nothing like a bernadoodle at all. So hey, he can be two different ages at the same time if he wants to be.

Edit: OMG I saw Dexter today! Don’t see a lot of pups on their actual day. So awesome!

Bernadoodle Puppy That Looks Like A Bernese Mountain Dog
Here he is at six months.
Bernadoodle Tilting His Head
Patented puppy head tilt.
Bernadoodle Puppy
And here he is at eight months. Same cute, but the light is a heck of a lot crappier for photography. Glad I found the earlier ones!
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Double Dog Day: Joy the Goldendoodle and Danbi the Adoptable Standard Poodle

We have an adoptable pup today! Danbi is the big ‘un: she’s a seven-year-old standard poodle, and she’s a very kind and gentle pup, who loves people and other dogs and, so far as we can determine, everything else, except maybe for not being adopted yet. (She certainly loves Joy, who is her temporary sister, and also seven years old, but not up for adoption.

If she looks like you might like her as much as she would undoubtedly like you, you can find her at Second Chances!

White Standard Poodle And Small Goldendoodle
I’ve seen Danby a couple of times now, and I keep thinking she looks a little like a Bedlington terrier.
Small Goldendoodle Grinning
No adopting this one, he has a happy home!
Standard Poodle Looking Pensive
C’mon… she’s waiting for you!
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Dog of the Day: Soju the Foooooofly Wiener

Dachshund? Where? All I see is a delicious perfectly-cooked crescent roll!

Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund With Golden Retriever Coloration
My god those eyes, help help I am lost!
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Double Dog Birthday: Kuma the Miniature Poodle and Sumba the Labradoodle

No, it’s neither Kuma’s birthday nor Sumba’s: it’s mine! So happy birthday to me, and to celebrate I post these two (3 and 13) cool puppers!

A Miniature Poodle And A Labradoodle, Both Wearing Sunglasses And Red Vests
Apparently these two are fully used to the sunglasses, and will even sit patiently and wait for them to be put on before they leave the house.
Goldendoodle Wearing Mirrored Sunglasses
If you look closely you can see my bald head in Sumba’s sunglasses.
Poodle Wearing Sunglasses And Sticking Out His Tongue
No matter what I do to this image it looks crooked.
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Puppy of the Day: Theo the Maltie-Poo

Theo is six months old, and at least 80 percent floof by unit volume.

Maltie Poo Standing On Hind Legs
Seriously, that is one giant pile of ultra-soft fluff right there.
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Dog of the Day: Royce the Golden Retriever

We’re blessed: two days of goldens in a row. Royce isn’t quite as young as Toto (at 1 year old) but he’s just as friendly, happy, and, of course, itchy.

Golden Retriever Looking Very Happy
I’m doing all right, but I’d give a lot to be doing as all right as Royce is.
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Puppy of the Day: Toto the Golden Retriever

I don’t think Toto (7 months old, a girl) is in Kansas any more, but I don’t think there’s an emerald city nearby either, so she’s going to have to settle for San Francisco. And San Francisco is glad to have her!

English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy Scratching Herself
If you look carefully in the background you can see the name of the street I live on!
English Cream Golden Retriever Lying On Her Back On The Sidewalk
Toto spent half the time I was with her scratching herself with a paw and the other half scratching her back on the ground. Itchy girl!
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Dog of the Day: Zeus the Labrador Retriever Hound Mix

Zeus (9) is, in this picture, an absolutely prime example of what happens when you drool and then shake: you get lines of drool across your snoot. A problem we all face, sooner or later.

Red Labrador Retriever Hound Mix Looking Sad
Dunno what kind of hound. Coonhound, maybe?
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Dog of the Day: Rosie the Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Ring around the Rosie! She’s four, and she may have short stubby legs but she can run rings around you!

Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi Tilting Her Head To One Side
I just noticed that there appears to be a rectangle cut out of the top of Rosie’s head and now I can’t unsee it. It really did look like that, I promise!
Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi Grinning With Her Ears Folded Back
Fully convertible ears!
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