Dog of the Day: Samwise the Welsh Springer Spaniel

I wonder if Samwise (2) has any Companions? Perhaps a Fellowship?

Welsh Springer Spaniel With A Big Goofy Tongue
What he definitely does have is a great deal of tongue.
Welsh Springer Spaniel With A Big Goofy Grin
And ALL the happy.
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Dog of the Day: Corgi Lia!

This is Lia. She has an instagram page. You should visit it.

Happy Tricolor Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Didn’t get an age, but I am betting it’s ‘young at heart’.
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Double Dog Day: Daisy the Siberian Husky and Blue the Newfoundland Dog

Daisy and Blue are best buds and roomies! Well, y’know, everyone in SF needs a roomie, (dog-) housing is expensive!

Siberian Husky And Black Newfoundland Dog
Imagine living in an apartment with these two.
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Dog of the Day: Zoey the Boxer Goofball Mix

I have been dogsitting Zoey for the past week (which is part of the reason I have been a bit MIA, although most of the reason is because work has been a bit brutal). This is the same Zoey as the one of Zoey and Filbert fame. Alas, Filbert passed away a few months ago, but Zoey goes on, and she is still a wiggly, waggly goofball with a heart of gold.

White Boxer Sticking Her Face In A Sprinkler
Zoey loves sprinklers. I tried to play with her earlier today by using a spray nozzle on a hose, and discovered that Zoey does NOT like hoses.
White Boxer Wearing A Flat Cap
She doesn’t like hoses because she thinks she’s going to get a B-A-T-H. So tomorrow I’m going to haul out a sprinkler during my lunch break and see how much fun she can have.
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Dog of the Day: Hank the Chihuahua Dachshund Poodle Mix

Hank is a lot of things, including seven! And a cute little foxy pup.

Chihuahua Poodle Dachshund Mix
I don’t think he can be more than a quarter dachshund, with those legs.
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Puppy of the Day: Hazel the Vizsla Siberian Husky AND MUCH MUCH MORE Mix

I ran into Hazel and was just baffled by her lineage. Turns out that apparently that was partly because she has at least half a dozen breeds in her, and partly because she’s actually only nine months old.

Very Sarcastic-Looking Mutt With Very Silly Looking Ears
She also looks very sarcastic, doesn’t she? That’s mostly because she is a rescue and was very, very dubious about me.
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Dog of the Day: Chubbs the Repeat Customer Newfoundland Dog

Chubbs! I am sadly remiss in my memory, as I didn’t even notice I’d run across Chubbs before, even though it was only last year. Well, he is three now, and just as magnificent as ever.

Brown Newfoundland Dog
Chubbs really isn’t. I mean he’s not skinny, but he definitely doesn’t have a lot of extra fat on him! (I wish I were as skinny as Chubbs.)
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Dog of the Day: Klaus the Siberian Husky Doberman Pinscher Mix

Klaus is 5, and, like any husky mix, is fabulously goofy.

Siberian Husky Doberman Pinscher Mix
Klaus makes me smile.
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Sunday Switchup: Hawk Tuah

Autumn was driving down the road in Ireland the other day and she saw a big bird in the road. Who hopped out of the way, rather than flew. So she went and grabbed a local friend and captured it and took it to a wildlife rehab place.

Common Buzzard Wrapped In A Sweater
This guy is a ‘common buzzard’.
Common Buzzard Wrapped In A Sweater
This expression keeps making me giggle.
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Caturday Supplement: Rua the Irish Kitty

Rua is a kitty sent in by our roving reporter in Ireland (Autumn). According to Autumn, Rua is ‘very sweet but turns to evil quickly’. According to the Irish language, Rua’s name means ‘red’. According to me, EEEEE FLUFFY KITTY EEEEE!

Orange Tiger Tabby Cat
I wouldn’t mind a little clawing.
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