I got a couple of pictures of Malia with the new camera, and she’s a pretty enough beast that I think she’s worth a second look. And this time, when I asked, her dad said she was a Chow/Samoyed, which makes a lot more sense to me.
Anyway, whatever she is, she’s cute!

Hmm. Looks like her right hind leg was moving when I took this. It was pretty dim outside. Lesson 1: the new camera is a lot better in low-light conditions, but it's not perfect, so don't press your luck.

Rule 2: if it's a cute picture, it doesn't really matter if a leg is blurry. The back half of the dog on the right is another of our old friends, incidentally. I *love* his tail.
This dog looks like a purebred samoyed.. even if not, NOT a chow mix. Samoyeds come in a biscuit coloring as well, still purebred.
That’s what I thought in my original post of her, but when the dog owner gives me a breed identification, I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt.
I didn’t catch the original post? Malia is gorgeous- I had a purebred Sammy. Light of my life!! Sometimes when they are rescued people may not realize they have a possibly purebred gem on their hands 🙂 So I wanted to mention it was possible and unlikely to be chow mix. It *could* be of course! Thanks for posting
ok- Noticed the link to the previous post on her 🙂