Dog of the Day: Zoey the Boxer Goofball Mix

I have been dogsitting Zoey for the past week (which is part of the reason I have been a bit MIA, although most of the reason is because work has been a bit brutal). This is the same Zoey as the one of Zoey and Filbert fame. Alas, Filbert passed away a few months ago, but Zoey goes on, and she is still a wiggly, waggly goofball with a heart of gold.

White Boxer Sticking Her Face In A Sprinkler
Zoey loves sprinklers. I tried to play with her earlier today by using a spray nozzle on a hose, and discovered that Zoey does NOT like hoses.
White Boxer Wearing A Flat Cap
She doesn’t like hoses because she thinks she’s going to get a B-A-T-H. So tomorrow I’m going to haul out a sprinkler during my lunch break and see how much fun she can have.
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