Dog of the Day: Hash the Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Labrador Retriever Mix Puppy

I’m actually not sure… mom said Hash was a pit bull/lab mix, but I’m going to have to go with Staffordshire/Lab. Looking at the face, he looks a lot like one, plus he’s sort of squat to be a pit bull/Lab mix. However, he’s just a puppy (4.5 months) so who knows what he’ll grow up to look like.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Labrador Retriever Mix

Those ears. So ridiculous. They flop up and down as he walks, too.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Labrador Retriever Mix

I predict a lot of dog treats in Hash's future. Who could say no to that face?

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2 Responses to Dog of the Day: Hash the Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Labrador Retriever Mix Puppy

  1. Ashley says:

    You wanna know something that is so funny. My female dog for the longest time I and a lot of others believed she was a Pit lab mix. I came across a Stafforodshire Bull/lab/beagle and this dog looks exactly like my female and I have had nothing but problems with land lords about her being a pit bull and Im so happy now that I now can prove the land lord wrong. I do rescue pits and pits mix. Which is why everyone swears shes a pit cause she looks just like one. đŸ™‚ This dog is so beautiful and I really hope he is in a great place and being loved. I do not like dogs being discriminant at all if people should be then why should dogs?


    • Amy H says:

      Hi. I just got a puppy that looks a lot like these guys. He’s 10 weeks. I’d love to learn about your experiences.

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