Another incarnation of Fozzie Bear. Although, to be honest, I guess he really looks more like Rowlf the Dog. (Who was always a favorite of mine anyway.)

That's my brother, Brad, who was in town for New Year's. We went walking through SF, and he didn't seem TOO impatient when I stopped every dog we walked past for pictures.

You can't really tell from the pictures that he's a puppy at all. He totally is. He bounces around and licks everyone and is full of puppyness.

Not hard to guess where the name came from. Do a google image search for 'jasper stone'.

Taken along the Embarcadero. That's the piers in the background.

He makes this face a lot. I don't know what it means, but it made me giggle every time.

When did 'Labradoodle' become a thing? They seem to be pretty great dogs, but it's kind of an undignified name.