Not the best pictures I’ve ever shot (especially the second, which is kind of fuzzy, and not just because the dog was kind of fuzzy!) but I had to show off this amazing dog. As I approached the bar he was standing with his forepaws up on the wall and his head inside the window of ’21st Amendment’, a brew pub down in SOMA, just hanging out with his humans (which were right at the table inside.) Sadly, I didn’t get a shot of that, but I can at least give you a good idea of what he looks like. And what he looks like is a happy-go-lucky half-Rottweiler, half-German Shepherd.
Hey, this is Dogs of SF’s one-hundred-and-first post! I never thought I’d have the self-discipline to keep it up this long. Go me!
(Second picture is after the bark.)

Look at that canine grin. And the eyebrows!

Tethered in just the right place so he could take part in his best friends' dinner conversation.
Just adopted my little girl, Sophie, a Rottweiler German Shepherd Mix. Your dog is gorgeous! I hope my girl’s ears stand up like your dog’s!
Congratulations! And I wish he were mine, but I agree his ears are great.
I’m sure your pup will end up just as awesome: both Rottweilers and German shepherds are amazing dogs, and the combination is pretty much guaranteed to be something special.
Hi, I’m Anahit and I’m 13 years old this dog lloked just like my dog but she died on April 19th she was 16 and I miss her sooo much these pictures reminded me of her and so I thank you for taking these pictures I is very memorable to look at. 🙁
In 2011 I was 11 years old but now its 2013 and I’m 13 years old so now you must be I’m guessing probably about…maybe …15 years old now Anahit Am I right? I really want a German Shepard/Rottweiler mix so badly but sadly my dog Peanut she is very sick and we aren’t so sure she will make it tomorrow we might have to put her down she has two big fattie toomers from gaining weight she’s 11 years old. I hope you enjoy reading this comment. I have a Facebook not a Twitter or Youtube account.
I’m very sorry Anahit you lost your dog! I never lost a pet before I’m not for sure why though. To tell you something a little bit about myself I love Country Music and I listen to Miranda Lambert and also Luke Bryan and Taylor Swift and Tim McGraw, Toby Keith, Rascal Flatts, Billy Kurrington ( Hey Girl)..and I listen to Classic Rock Music from the 18 to 1900’s I know its old. I listen to Pop newer music Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball but I hate it when she was naked on the wrecking ball and she used to be very pretty with long hair but nope hahahaha not anymore she’s not she has shaved her hair and dyed it blonde so ugly! I love playing and watching Soccer and Softball. I really enjoy watching Football Games every Friday and sometimes Thursday nights.
Imeant this dog LOOKed like my dog And IT is memorable Pardon my misspelling.P.S The ears are great and so were my dogs ears!!!!!!!!!!
anahit: If you like those pictures, I have some more of the same dog here:
And some of a similar dog here:
I’m sorry for your loss, but I’m happy that your dog got to live a good long time. Most dogs that size don’t even make it to your age, let alone 16!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
My aunt and uncle have a rottie shepherd mix and she looks just like that one only she is fatter and she’s 17 years old
Wow. That’s one healthy dog!
I love Country Music and German Shepard Rottweiler mix dog so big and fluffy love it the ears look great!
This dog looks very much like my beloved dog, only a bit smaller. Mine is a German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Leonberger mix. The Leonberger in him made him huge (60kg) . ? He scared away my pizza delivery when he was 6 months and people still walk over to the other side of the street when they meet me with him. Lol. He’s the kindest/sweetest dog, 9 years now and I love him to bits. ?
Sounds like an awesome dog. Have any pictures of him online that you could post links to?
It’s funny, when I see a dog like that, I walk over to the side of the street the dog is on, instead of the other way around. 🙂