Mimi is a ridiculously-adorable-and-nearly-perfect-in-every-way puppy. I ran into her down in the Mission Bay area, though if I recall correctly you’re more likely to see her near Alamo Square Park. She was out socializing, and being socialized, and proving that her training is going really well: mom accidentally lost hold on her leash and she immediately started running towards the street. Mom shouted her name, and she skidded to a halt (literally!) and turned around and looked, like, ‘What? Oh! Mimi! That’s me!’
Apparently she’s going to be a show dog, so if you see a dog named Mimi win the Golden Gate Kennel Club Dog Show (or, for that matter, the Westminster Dog Show), you can say you saw her here first. (Dammit, I should’ve gotten a paw print autograph!)

I am pretty sure Mimi’s mom will be dropping by here. Maybe if we as REALLY nicely, we can see some pictures of her when she was even littler!