Have I mentioned that y’all are awesome? So far we have three donations and two purchases from the DogBlogStore in support of the Benefit for Glenn Farr. (Which, for a blog of this readership, is pretty good! I’m not expecting to be the next Bill & Melinda Gates foundation.) Please do consider a small donation or purchase if you haven’t already.
Ollie! Ollie is an adorable happy rescue dog who happens to be owned by a dog walker named Matt, owner (and, with one other person, operator) of Matt’s Mutts. They do dog walking (and cat visits, I guess?) in many of the neighborhoods that Autumn’s business (SF Pup Scouts) doesn’t cover, like the Mission and the Sunset and parts of SOMA. So I can mention him here, since he’s not a competitor, right?

Saw this pup outside a SOMA dog park. He was being very obedient but was clearly sad that he couldn’t join in the play inside the park.
Ok i think i have a sibling to Ollie. My Sasha looks IDENTICAL to Ollie. Please contact zanegoldpenticton on IG!
Dude, how can you have a dog that awesome and not post any pictures of her on your instagram??