We may have had a Eurasier before, but that was a rescue, who might also just have been a rescue who looked an awful lot like one. Bear is definitely a 9-month-old Eurasier. They are a gorgeous breed. I knew that I was going to have trouble taking pictures (it was quite dark outside) but I just had to try, because he was so pretty.

Apparently Eurasiers were bred from chow, wolfspitz, and samoyed. I would have guessed there was keeshond in there somewhere. (Aannnd… I just found out that wolfspitz is an old name for a earlier version of the keeshond. So yup!)
Bear the Eurasier’s owners sent me the link to your site, I am enjoying it very much. I think I would like San Fransico too, looks like the dogs are all happy there!
It’s a pretty amazing place to live.
Then again, I’m pretty sure I’d like BC, too, so I think we’re even!
Hi, we have a 5 months old Eurasier in San Francisco and would be happy to meet with others 🙂
Thanks in advance for you answers!
You might want to reply to Jesse below, since she’s a local Eurasier owner. I also have a few more pictures of Bear that I’ll be posting soon, so maybe we’ll get lucky and see Bear’s owners drop by then too.
Eurasiers are such gorgeous dogs. You’re lucky! Do you have any pictures of your puppy online? If so, leave some links in a comment!
BTW, I did manage to post some pictures of a Eurasier puppy once, and I think she still lives in SF too. SO. CUTE.
BTW, I’d love to take some pictures of your adorable fluffball sometime. Perhaps we could figure out a time and place? You can email me at alang at this blog (that is, @dogsofsf.com) if you like.
So great to know there are other eurasiers here! Which breeder did bear come from? Do we know? He is stunning!
If I had to guess, I’d say he probably came from Judi, the person with the comment one above yours. At least, she’s a Eurasier breeder from British Columbia, and knows Bear’s parents. Click the link on her name, it’ll take you to her web site, where there are some pretty amazing pictures.
Hi Jesse,
As I explained to Adam, we have a 5 months old eurasier puppy in San Francisco and would be thrilled to make her meet with other eurasier in the city !!
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