Monthly Archives: June 2024

Sunday Switchup: American Goldfinch

This little approximately-spherical birb scolded me one day as I wandered down Union Street in Cow Hollow. Oddly, he isn’t a cow-bird, he’s a goldfinch! They sure are pretty.

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Dog of the Day: Polly the Samoyed

Polly-wolly (6) is not a doodle, all the day or at any other time. She is a giant flooooof!

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Dog of the Day: Leroy the Not A Wolfhound, Really!

I saw Leroy (4) and asked his mom, ‘Okay, he’s half a wolfhound, but what’s the other half?’ And she said, ‘No he’s not!’ I just have to take her word that he’s a Great Dane poodle mix.

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Dog of the Day: Nellie Pepper the Mixed Breed

Nellie Pepper is a thirteen-year-old supermutt! She’s also got a Facebook page (well actually it’s her mom’s but she’s the real star.)

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Bunday Color Special: Matcha the Possibly Havana Rabbit

I met Matcha while I was out and about in North Beach a couple weeks ago. She is a friendly bun! I thought she was scared because she was huddled in the back of her little travel cage thingie but … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Goldendoodle Puppy?

I seem to have not got any notes for this pup. It could be a cockapoo, it could be a goldendoodle, it could be something in between. I do know that it was a puppy, though!

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Dog of the Day: Estée the Bichon Frisé

I ran into Estée the Bichon Frisé today. It is her 9-month birthday, so I figured what the heck, she’s adorable, it’s probably a good time for me to post her.

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Dog of the Day: London the Great Dane Dalmatian Doberman Mix Repeat Customer

I can’t believe I didn’t recognize London right away as a repeat customer from last year. He’s completely unique in my experience. And such a sweetie!

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