Tag Archives: flat-coated retriever

Thankful Dog of the Day: Jazz the Flat-Coated Retriever

Jazz has a lot to be thankful for.

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Dog of the Day: Jazz the Flat-Coated Retriever Again

This is what, the fourth time that Autumn and/or I have had a chance to dog-sit for Jazz, the sweetest flat-coated retriever in San Francisco? And this time Autumn’s down with walking pneumonia, so I get to take Jazz.  (Don’t … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Cooper the Flat-Coated Retriever

I remember running into this guy, because I was surprised: hadn’t seen a brown flat-coat before. Didn’t get his name or age, though. Edit: He’s a he, named Cooper, and he was 9 months old in the pictures (per his owner, down … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Jazz the Flat Coated Retriever

Well, I know I posted some pictures of Jazz quite recently, but they didn’t really do her justice. She’s a gorgeous dog, even if she is murder to photograph (just like all black dogs, and white ones too.)

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Caturday Supplement: Random Grey Kitty and JAZZ!

No, the cat was not dancing or listening to music. I just happened to run across her while I was out walking the Awesome Dog Jazz, who is one of Autumn’s dog-sitting clients. As you can see, Jazz gets along … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Blaze the Flat-Coated Retriever

Ran into Blaze in Santa Cruz. He’s 7, and just a giant goofy cuddly hyper puppy. Flat-coats apparently lean in that direction, maybe even more than goldens.

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Dog of the Day: Naughty Flat-Coated Retriever

This guy’s a little bit on the mischievous side. The container marked ‘good dog’ is full of dog biscuits. But in theory, it’s the human that’s supposed to decide whether the doggie’s been good, and give him a treat if … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Cooper the Border Collie/Flat Coated Retriever Mix

Sorry for the late post. Trying to get rid of a head cold. Ugh. Haven’t run into any flat-coat mixes before. He almost looks like a pure border collie, but he doesn’t quite have that ridiculous ‘eyes boring into your … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: McCloud the Flat-Coated Retriever

Well, I’ve had two flat-coats (fuzzier ancestors of modern labrador and golden retrievers) on DoSF before: Hunter and this pup. I’m trying to figure out if the latter one is McCloud, or if he’s a different dog. On the one … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Hunter the Flat-Coat Retriever

Hunter is only our second flat-coated retriever: this was the first. (Said posting, bizarrely, appears to have been the reason that DoSF was #3 in the google rankings for the search ‘slightly late’ for a couple of days, a few … Continue reading

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