Tag Archives: Oakland

Caturday Supplement: Layla the Gloriously Floofy

Autumn sent me a picture of Layla.

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Dog of the Day: Roxanne the Wire-Haired Mini Dachshund

Roxanne (3) may or may not have to put on the red light, but she definitely has the tunes: she’s the store dog at Open Mind Music. Although I must say, their web site has a page called ‘The Curator’ … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Peixe the Standard Poodle

Peixe (girl, 3) isn’t even all that fond of water, particularly. I’m not 100% sure where she got her name, but whatever, it’s pretty cute, and she is too!

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Dog of the Day: Siberian Husky

Ran into this pup about 10 feet away from yesterday’s pup, just chilling out and watching the proceedings.

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Dog of the Day: Luna the Redbone Coonhound Birthday Girl

What do you know? I ran into another birthday pup today. She’s turning 7 on the 21st, and I figured I’d post it today, both so that she’s on the page for her birthday, and so that I wouldn’t forget … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Charlie

I’m still not terribly functional, eyeball-wise, but Autumn has sent me some cat pictures. Yay! According to her, “Charlie was rescued from the streets of Los Angeles, and is recovering from being attacked by another cat.” However, he’s apparently still … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Pino and Cayenne

Autumn’s cat-sitting these two ‘gooves’ (plural of goof, of course) and sent me this picture. So unfair that one of the like 0.1% of pictures on here that I didn’t take are also one of the 0.1% best pictures on … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Vigilant Vizsla

Honestly I don’t think this guy can be a full vizsla, or, if he is, he sure is a huge one!

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Caturday Supplement: Cleo and Sage the Kitties

I’ve posted a couple pictures of Cleo and Sage before, but they’re good friends of Autumn’s, and she got some more adorable pictures of ’em. No captions or hovertext tonight… I spent all day moving my web sites over to … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Autumn’s Cat-Sitting Kitten

Autumn cat-sat for some pretty kittens not too long ago. This is one of the two.

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