Tag Archives: Oakland

Caturday Supplement: Baker the Tuxedo and Bend The Black Kitty

Autumn had to look after these two for a bit, and in that time they managed to steal several of her things. Culminating in her glasses. Which she managed to find behind the fridge, along with several feathers, a half-dozen … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Pino Pepper and Angelica

Thanks to Autumn, who helped out someone for one day when they were moving, I have a Caturday supplement again! Even better, it’s some old friends, Pino Pepper and Angelica. Let’s see how they’re getting on, shall we?

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Dog of the Day: Marlow the Chihuahua

I ran into this pup at a friend’s birthday party, a couple years back. And I forgot to get his name! Edit: OMG as I am informed below in the comments, this is Marlow, and is in fact being held … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Doggie, Bagged

It was an unexpectedly interesting day. Tomorrow is shaping up to be one too. So I figured you may be in need of a doggie bag. I sure am.

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Dog of the Day: Laica the Belgian Malinois Mix

Laica is six years old, but new to the family: she had just been adopted less than five weeks before this picture was taken. When she was adopted, she was skittish and skinny and stayed far away from strangers. When … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Pizza the Dachshund

Funny: it seems like dachshunds and corgis are the breeds that are most likely to be named after food. Pizza (2, and a boy) did not tell me why he was named that way, but I bet he’d like some … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: More Evie!

As I mentioned in my previous Evie post, she and I sat down to watch the Puppy Bowl together. (We both agreed that it was more fun before it got so commercial.) Last time you saw some pictures of her … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Princess Evie the Master Blepper

Evie is one of Autumn’s frequent kitty-sitting charges. I just got to spend the day watching the Puppy Bowl with her, and she is the sweetest thing EVER! She sat in my lap through the whole thing and just purred … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Siberian Husky

Is it… could it be… a sighting of the rare ‘Crescent Moon-Moon‘?

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Dog of the Day: Jack Russell Terrier Mix

This pup was on the same train as the corgi, but didn’t get nearly as much attention. He was a wee bit less noticeable.

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