So tiny! So adorably little! (8 weeks old!) Too much cute for captions or hovertext: just enjoy!
Oatmeal has a very plaintive look to him. I’m not actually sure if he’s a Shiba mix or not, but he’s got some spitz-y breed in him, that’s for sure!
We’ve only seen one Berger Picard before, and it was missing a certain something that Augie has. Well, yes, Iris only had three legs, but that’s not what I’m referring to: she didn’t have ears that were quite as ridiculous as Augie’s.
When I ran into Baldr, I kept thinking that I’d run into a dog named Baldr before (though I was thinking they had spelled it ‘Baldur’), but I couldn’t find anything on the site. And then the next day, the very next day, I ran into Balder! This Balder is ‘the Beautiful’, and is a standard poodle. And since I found out how that name was spelled, I went and looked, and lo and behold: I have met him before… in 2011! He was 3 then, so I guess he’s 11-ish now. You wouldn’t know it, would you?
I met Baldr the Blue (Australian cattle dog with a tail!) when I was visiting a friend’s office. Baldr did not want me to talk to my friend. Baldr did not want me to go to the bathroom. Baldr did not want me to pay attention to anything but Baldr, because Baldr has an uncanny sense for who can, in fact, be suckered into paying attention to Baldr.
I was wandering around downtown San Francisco yesterday, walking by a little bunch of bushes next to a plaza, when suddenly I caught a glimpse of a … dog? Cat? Nope! It was a rabbit! Well, two rabbits, but I am saving one for another bunday.
So meet Coco, the one with the ridiculous haircut. His family took him out for a wander, and he seemed to be enjoying himself quite a bit. He didn’t really want to meet me, though.
I got to say hello to my fluffy friend again last week. This time he grudgingly decided I wasn’t so terrible after all, so I got some kitty cuddles.
Connor, one of Autumn’s two family dogs, has showed up here before. But I just had to show off these new pictures taken by her folks, because, well, you’ll see.
If we ask nicely in the comments section, maybe we can get some more pictures of Connor’s ‘new look’.
Mazie didn’t like the look of me, so she turned me upside down. It seemed to help.