Chloe (front, 5) and Ruby (back, 3) are half-sisters: they have the same dad. But Chloe is from Barcelona and Ruby is from Budapest. Apparently their human father went to great lengths to find Chloe a sister.
They have a lot of fun together.
It was Indy’s first day in the city, and he was only 5 months old in the first place, so I don’t blame him for being a little skittish and staying away from me. Maybe I’ll get luckier next time I see him.
This pup is an airbnb dog… and is absolutely enormous, for a Sheltie.
Monroe is an adorable little Maltie-poo puppy (6 months old). She is apparently always happy and mellow on public transit.
Ungh I am exhausted and unmotivated. (Not depressed, it’s just been a long day and I am feeling amazingly lazy.) If you see this post at the top of the page, put a link to your favorite funny animal picture or video into the comments and make the rest of us laugh.
I saw this in Bloomingdales, in downtown San Francisco. Yes, it’s just a giant ad, but it’s a pretty damn cute one.
Zorro is a three-year-old vegan dog. Unlike cats, a lot of dogs don’t seem to have much trouble adapting to a vegan diet. But I’m still not sure what I think about it.
German shepherds are a glamorous breed, but Kodiak (3, male) is a particularly glamorous specimen.
Jax, 1, was a little on the grumpy side when I met him. It was on New Year’s Eve, so hopefully 2018 is shaping up to be better for him than 2017 was.
WASABIIII! Wasabi is a 3-month-old boy who needs a whole lot of wiggle room, if you know what I mean.