Dog of the Day: Jackpot the German Shepherd

Jackpot (boy, 2) is a big fraidy-dog! He even hid from me! And he looks so happy, too.

(Posting from my phone today.)

German ShepherdGerman Shepherd

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Otterday-On-Bunday: Point Lobos

Hi there! I am taking a much-needed vacation, and slowly driving down the coast of California. I’ll eventually make it to San Diego, but so far I’ve only made it as far as Big Sur. I spent the day wandering Monterey and then Point Lobos, where I made the acquaintance of several adorable sea otters. I have a new lens for my camera, a 150 to 500 mm Sigma, and while it’s no five-thousand-dollar marvel, it’s more than good enough for my purposes. (Next time I’ll make sure the ISO setting on the camera isn’t 3200, which will make the close-up quality a lot better.)

Consider this a otter preview. I’m at a hotel with no wifi in the rooms, and I have no cell signal, and I’m sitting in the middle of their little grocery store, and posting from here is kind of awkward.

Mother Sea Otter Holding Her Pup

Sea otter pupping season starts in March, and they tend to stay with their parents for only a year.

Mother Sea Otter Holding Her Pup

This one must have been born very late, or perhaps his mom has more patience than usual.

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Dog of the Day: Snowy the Fox Terrier

Snowy is two years old, and has an Instagram account. The unusual coat color is (I think?) due to a recessive gene called ‘dilute’, for obvious reasons.

Unusual Dilute Tricolor Fox Terrier With One Ear Flopped Down And One Fully Up

The one ear up. So awesome. Apparently it varies according to how tired Snowy is.

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Dog of the Day: Momo the Nepalese Street Dog

Momo (girl, 5 years old) came from Nepal, and despite a rather rough start in life, loves everyone in sight. She’s also among the most photogenic dogs I’ve ever run across.

Very, very tired, so I will let Momo speak for herself.

Processed with Focos

Processed with Focos

Processed with Focos

Processed with Focos

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Dog of the Day: Ned the Pomeranian Puppy

Oh god the eyebrow. The one red eyebrow. How do little miracles like that happen?

Adorable Fluffy Mottled Pomeranian Puppy Cocking His Head To One Side

Our first ‘baroo’ in some time. And four months old at that! SO CUTE.


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Double Dog Day: Renzo the Shih Tzu and Jagger the Great Dane

These two were an amazingly odd couple, but they seemed to get along pretty darn well, not just with each other but with everyone else, too. Renzo, by the way, is the older, at 7, and his larger and less shaggy friend is 5.

Brown And White Shih Tzu

Anyone else reminded of ‘wookie’?


Harlequin Great Dane Sitting

Such an amazingly expressive face. Sad…

Happy Harlequin Great Dane

…to happy, in like three seconds.

Happy Harlequin Great Dane

Harlequin coats are so gorgoues. I’m a sucker for merles.

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Dog of the Day: Working Pug

Someone had a long day at work.

Old Pug In Red Bandana

This pup is a long-time Airbnb pup, whom I have seen quite a number of times.

Tired-Looking Old Pug With Red Bandana

He (she?) always looks totally exhausted. Always perks up for petting though.

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Caturday Supplement: Princess Evie the Master Blepper

Evie is one of Autumn’s frequent kitty-sitting charges. I just got to spend the day watching the Puppy Bowl with her, and she is the sweetest thing EVER! She sat in my lap through the whole thing and just purred and purred and purred.

Woman Holding Tuxedo Cat

Autumn sleeps over there fairly frequently, and Evie sleeps on top of her. And purrs. Constantly.

Black Cat With Gold Eyes

She pretty much let me do anything. I held her upside down, I held her while she had her claws clipped… she just mellowed out.

Tuxedo Cat At Green Water Bowl

Evie’s an indoor-outdoor cat. She’s getting older so she’s more into hanging out inside now.

Tuxedo Kitty With Gold Eyes

Look at those eyes!

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You might remember Panko. If you don’t, it is probably because you were stunned into amnesia by cuteness. Well, just as I walked out of the door for lunch at work on Thursday, Panko was walking through the atrium. And just as I was mid-squeal, Panko met Luke, the 5-month-old German shepherd/husky/Lab mix. And my day, and quite possibly my entire month, was made.

Too many pictures for captions and hovertext. So much cute.

Incidentally, the pictures that look like Luke has Panko’s entire head in his mouth? Yeah, that’s because he does have her entire head in his mouth.

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Dog of the Day: Whitney the Chihuahua Mix Puppy

Whitney was 4 months old and wiggly!

Woman Holding Cute Brown Puppy With Huge Ears

The two of them were enjoying the sunshine.

Woman Holding Cute Brown Puppy With Huge Ears

The dog with all the ears.

Woman Holding Cute Brown Puppy With Huge Ears

Soon she’s going to get to run around on a leash a little more.

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